Motivation modulates the effect of approach on implicit preferences.

E’ stato pubblicato il nostro lavoro sulla formazione degli atteggiamenti impliciti!

Zogmaister, C., Perugini, M., & Richetin, J. (2016). Motivation modulates the effect of approach on implicit preferences. Cognition & Emotion, 30(5), 890-911.

Breve descrizione:

L’articolo descrive tre esperimenti, nei quali viene studiato il modo in cui un videogioco agisce sulla formazione di preferenze implicite (ossia spontanee, automatiche) verso prodotti per il largo consumo (patatine, bevande).

I risultati mostrano che giocare con il videogame modifica gli atteggiamenti, quando i partecipanti sono in un appropriato stato motivazionale: gli atteggiamenti verso le patatine vengono modificati se i partecipanti sono affamati, quelli verso le bevande se i partecipanti sono assetati.

Qui sotto riporto l’abstract della ricerca e il link all’articolo su Cognition & Emotion.


Il link:


With three studies, we investigated whether motivational states can modulate the formation of implicit preferences. In Study 1, participants played a video game in which they repeatedly approached one of two similar beverages, while disregarding the other. A subsequent implicit preference for the target beverage emerged, which increased with participants’ thirst. In Study 2, participants approached one brand of potato chips while avoiding the other: Conceptually replicating the moderation observed in Study 1, the implicit preference for the approached brand increased with the number of hours from last food intake. In Study 3, we experimentally manipulated hunger, and the moderation effect emerged again, with hungry participants displaying a higher implicit preference for the approached brand, as compared to satiated participants. In the three studies, the moderation effect was not paralleled in explicit preferences although the latter were affected by the preference inducing manipulation. Theoretical implications and open questions are discussed.

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